Years later, a teenage Sharon (Adelaide Clemens) and her father live under the assumed identities of Heather and Harry Mason respectively. The pair are constantly relocating and altering their identity to hide from the cult. Heather suffers from recurring nightmares of herself in the Silent Hill amusement park where she is set on fire by the evil Alessa. During her journey to school, Heather is questioned about her identity by Douglas Cartland (Martin Donovan), a private investigator hired by the cult, but Heather avoids the situation. At school she meets Vincent (Kit Harrington), another student who she runs into after the school transforms into a nightmarish alternate reality. After school she again sees Douglas, and calls her father. After the call, Harry is abducted by an unseen force. Later, Heather waits at a mall for Harry when reality again shifts, unleashing monstrous creatures. After evading the monsters, Heather encounters Douglas who is killed by a monster and dragged away. Upon returning to the real world, Heather finds Douglas' corpse and flees.
Heather returns home and finds a message painted on the wall: "Come to Silent Hill". Accompanied by Vincent, she collects the amulet and the pair flee to Silent Hill as police arrive. There, Vincent reveals that he is cult leader Claudia Wolf's (Carrie-Anne Moss) son, sent to bring Heather to the cult, but he is unwilling to because she is the good half of Alessa. The town transforms into the nightmare dimension, and Vincent informs Heather that she is the one responsible for altering the reality and directs Heather to Claudia's father Leonard Wolf, who is locked in an asylum. Vincent is grabbed by a monster and Heather is knocked unconscious.
She wakes up in the ash-shrouded Silent Hill and meets Alessa’s mother Dahlia (Deborah Kara Unger). Heather asks about her father’s whereabouts and the other half of the amulet, but Dahlia reveals that Heather is the manifestation of the good side of Alessa's soul, then tells her to take cover as the darkness approaches. Meanwhile, Vincent is denounced as a traitor by the cult for trying to save Heather. Claudia then orders her men to take Vincent to the asylum to be "cured".
In the asylum, Heather meets Leonard (Malcolm McDowell), who tells her that Claudia locked him up because she thought he was infected with darkness. Leonard explains that the amulet's purpose is to "expose the true nature of things" and drives Heather's amulet into his chest, where its other half lies. The amulet reforms and Leonard is transformed into a monster, but Heather defeats him and extracts the whole amulet. Heather is then captured by the patients. The monster Pyramid Head arrives and fights off the patients, saving Heather. Heather finds Vincent strapped to a gurney surrounded by monstrous nurses. Heather frees him and they escape. The pair eventually arrive at the amusement park, where Harry is held captive by the cult. Vincent uses himself as a distraction for Claudia's guards, allowing Heather into the park.
Heather is confronted by Alessa and they fight for dominance, with Heather overcoming Alessa and absorbing her. Heather then finds the cult along with Claudia, Vincent, and Harry. Claudia says that Heather was brought back to not only destroy Alessa, but to serve as the incubator that will birth their god, who will cleanse the world of sin. Claudia touches the amulet and she is transformed into a monster, the same creature that killed Douglas and previously attacked Heather. She tries to kill Heather, but Pyramid Head intervenes and decapitates Claudia.
With the cult destroyed and Alessa's justice served, the ashes stop falling on the town. Harry chooses to remain in Silent Hill to find Rose. Heather and Vincent walk out of Silent Hill and back into the real world where they get a ride from a man named Travis Grady. He drives the pair away as several police cars and a prison bus travel into Silent Hill, and ash begins to fall.
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